Wednesday, January 23, 2008

(An)Aesthetic, Curated by Carmen Monoxide & Teenwolf

December 1st saw the opening of (An)Aesthetic art show at Revolver Tattoo in New Brunswick, NJ. The show was curated by Carmen Monoxide (Gotham Girls, NJ Dirty Dames) and Teenwolf (New York Shock Exchange) and featured art work from a variety of derby women and men from Gotham, Garden State, NYSE and the Dirty Dames.

Rather than featuring derby-themed art, Carmen and Teenwolf were interested in looking beyond the derby personas of each skater and “showcasing our art as a means to communicate who we are as men and women outside of derby”. The work encompassed photography, abstract and figurative painting, collage, lithography, pen and ink drawing and multi-media sculpture.

Artists included in the show were Fuzztone (Matthew Buchholz), Kelly Kwedar (Little Red Terror) and Emily Langmade (Fisti Cuffs) from Gotham Girls Roller Derby, Bernardo Justin Campoy (Endless Justin/Gordon Gecko), Gary Cuddington (Teenwolf) and Eric DePalo (Mr. Rawk/Junk Bond) from NYSE, Dina Fiasconaro (Carmen Monoxide) from the NJ Dirty Dames and Jenna Patel (Jenna Von Fury) from Garden State Roller Girls.

Check out for more info and photos of the art work and opening.