Monday, January 21, 2008

Photo Shoot

Some of the girls from CCRG and DCRG were kind enough to come for a photo shoot while I attempted some last-minute documentation before the murals get painted over. I was probably grinning like a kid in a candy store, getting to see them take over the space. But judging from the pictures, they were having fun of their own. The concrete floors, round lobby and long hallways in the Katzen Arts Center are a skater's playground.

They even participated in some art jumping on skates!

Thanks to Holly Gohardly, PENALTYna, Reckless Ndangerment of Charm City Rollergirls and Bruisehilda, Memphis Hell, Louis Slain, Darth Vixen, Toxic Waif of DC Rollergirls and Amy Misurelli-Sorensen for the video!

1 comment:

Oil Cloth Junkie said...

wow, those murals at amazing! I wish I could have seen them in person but the pics with the derby gals are pretty cool too.